3 Reasons Why You Need A Business Website
What started as a hobby or a side business has suddenly turned into something profitable. So you network, post on social media, talk to your friends and family about it, etc. While this is all good, many new start-ups get caught up in the “free” ways to make a sale. However, they don’t realize that having a centralized hub can create a smoother business strategy in the long run. Here are 3 reason why having a business website is important.
Strengthen Your Brand
Most people find it easy to create a Facebook fan page or an Instagram account. While these are good marketing vehicles, it shouldn’t take the place of having a website. Scammers and fake businesses easily create a fan page or Instagram account, make a few bucks and swiftly delete the page. This leave a victim of fraud distraught. With an official website, your business will stand out from these tricksters and give you credibility.
Your Customers Get All The Valuable Information They Need
Before a customer actually buys your product or decides to use your service, they will do some research. They want to know if you are someone who can be trusted. Your website should include a bio about you. Get personal and tell them a little about who you are. Then state how long you have been in the industry and share your knowledge of your products or services.
A Business Website Sells Your Products and Services
Too many times I have heard that people get sales in person or have to constantly be engaging through chat or text in order to make a sale. Both require your presence, time and availability. A website can streamline this for you. You can literally be sleeping and wake up in the morning, have a payment and a description of the product waiting to be shipped or have a service booked for you. You don’t have to manually put things into your calendar from different sources when the technology exists to do all things in one place.
Need help setting up your business website? Contact Belkis Marketing and let me know how I can help you.